Sketchbook Research

Sketchbook Research

Collage / Transcription Painting

This collage and its corresponding painting are meant to represent memories from a trip to Southeast Asia I took. I wanted to depict this by rendering a foreign, chaotic, and colorful approach to the pieces. 

There is meant to be a lighthearted, turbulent, and somewhat dreamlike feel to these pieces which I think I was able to achieve. The shapes in the upper half of the paintings symbolize buildings, twisting and turning in different directions as if they are floating along. I think the collage is definitely the more successful piece between the two, in creating what I was aiming to achieve, and that is simply for the level of detail I was able to transmit in it.

The intended chaos comes through much better in the collage than it does in the painting. I also think there is more variety in the colors within the collage (the pinks I omitted from the painting), that represent the characteristics of my memory more accurately and make the collage more dynamic. What I like about the painting is the tone of orange used, and the lighter touch to some of the thin, white lines. I also like the variety in shape and think I was able to create illusions of depth.


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