Sketchbook Research

Sketchbook Research

Collage / Transcription Painting

I am continuing to work on these collages with their corresponding paintings because I really enjoy making them, and I find them all to be somewhat successful. I think they are a great way to explore color and shape, and embody my ideas well and quickly. I intend to continue to do this for some time until I make one that I want to transform into a larger piece.

This collage is pretty silly, there are strong elements of figuration which I find entertaining. I think the colors here are interesting and different to what I would normally think to utilize if I was beginning with paint. This is where collage can be so helpful. I do not actually like the composition of the collage in this one, however. None of the shapes are particularly unique or interesting to me, and the negative space appears to be lost here, which I think is a very important component. I do not think I would look to create a proper painting of this, although I could reference some of the colors used here.

Again, not my most successful work. The painting, because it is transcribed from the collage, lacks a composition that works. The colors here are okay, but they lack the neon elements (pink) which really work for me in the collage. If I were to develop this painting further, I would probably try to bring these elements in, but I wont since I do not care for the overall structure.


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